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Soul Reunion_Romance on the Go Page 4

  She stopped in front of an ancient grave, weather-beaten and covered in moss. Some impulse she didn’t understand made her kneel and scratch at the moss, shining her phone on it to read the inscription.

  It wasn’t entirely a surprise to read the name Anne Baker on the gravestone. Ruby ran her fingers over the cold stone, imagining the woman buried deep below. She’d be nothing but bones now.

  The realization brought a deep sense of calm to Ruby. Anne was gone. Ruby didn’t have to compete with her, and Thomas and Will weren’t asking her to. Anne had been robbed of the life they’d wanted to build, but Ruby still had a chance to make something with them—something magical.

  One day she’d ask them to tell her about Anne, she decided. How they’d met and fallen in love, what she’d been like. But tonight, it was just about her, Ruby. Her life, her future, her choices.

  “You’re not me,” she said, resting her palm flat against the stone. “Not really. You’re like a heart donor. Whatever the future holds for me and them, I’ll shape it myself. I don’t need your memories to love them.”

  A cool wind whistled through the bare tree branches as she spoke, and for a moment Ruby thought she heard soft, affectionate laughter. Her spine prickled and she had a sense of something enchanting and unworldly spinning through the graveyard. Then it was gone. It was just Ruby and a long-dead woman’s grave.

  She stood, tucking her hair behind her ears, and waited.

  Footsteps rustled in the dying grass behind her. She spun, squinting into the darkness to see Thomas and Will emerge from the shadows. Her heart leaped into her throat. “You’re early,” she said.

  Suddenly Will was running toward her. He swept her up in his arms, twirling her around with a ringing laugh. “We didn’t know if you’d come,” he said as he set her down again. “We weren’t sure you wanted us.”

  She gazed at them both, one dark, one fair. One rough, one tender. Two halves of one perfect whole. She let herself dream of an eternity with them, and her body stirred with heat and desire. “I want you,” she said, stroking Will’s cheek before reaching for Thomas’s hand. “I want you both, and whatever you have to show me.”

  Thomas’s eyes lit with relief. “Then we have forever to show you anything you want.” He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and Will. “Where do we start?”

  Will gave them both a fiendish grin. “I can think of a few things.”

  Ruby closed her eyes as her vampire lovers sank their fangs into her throat, letting forever begin.

  The End

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