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Soul Reunion_Romance on the Go Page 3

  Will broke away to pepper kisses down her stomach toward her pussy. He sank his fingers into her with a growl, sliding his thumb back to stroke her anus. She jumped and shivered at the touch, terrified she would come before she could truly enjoy either of them.

  Thomas stripped off while Will fingered her. Thomas’s body was pale and perfect, his cock standing thick and hard against his flat belly.

  Ruby reached for him hungrily, but he laughed and dodged her.

  “You cannot be totally in command,” he said. “We’ve waited too long to be gentlemen.” He straddled her chest so his cock bobbed against her mouth. Ruby took him in, gliding her tongue up and down his shaft. Thomas threw his head back with a guttural moan. “Nothing so sweet as a woman’s mouth.”

  “Except maybe her blood,” Will said. He slid his fingers free of her dripping pussy. “Or her cream.” He raised his hand to Thomas’s mouth and Ruby watched as Thomas sucked Will’s fingers clean. “Doesn’t she taste divine?” Will asked.

  Thomas twisted to kiss him. “Dear Lord, I can’t wait much longer,” he gasped when they broke away. “I want you both. I need it.”

  Ruby grasped his cock in her hands, swirling her tongue over his head. “Will you bite me?” she asked. She felt like a shameless addict, a junkie desperate for a fix, but she had to have it. Anne’s memories mingled with her own, promising her heaven on earth if they both bit her together.

  The vampires exchanged glances. Will smiled wickedly. “She remembers.”

  “How could she forget?” Thomas slid off her to kneel at her side. He wrapped a handful of her hair around his fingers, tugging so her neck was exposed. Will shifted down the bed, his head at her thighs. He parted her legs, running his tongue over her clit and making her shriek and jump.

  “This will be the start of our bond, Ruby,” Thomas said. “There’s no going back from here.”

  She smiled, feeling goddess-like again. “I don’t want to go back.”

  Thomas sank his fangs into her throat. Will sank his into her inner thigh. The world flashed red and gold, and Ruby was lost. An orgasm ripped through her, filling her with white-hot pleasure. She cried her ecstasy as they drank her blood, and a thousand memories flooded her mind. Not her memories, but still part of her, an ancient, lonely part now desperate for completion. No, there was no going back from here. And that knowledge was delicious.

  Will pulled away from her as her orgasm raged on. “I need to be inside you.” He tore off his clothes, giving Ruby a perfect view of his big, hard body and big, hard cock. She swallowed, breathless at the sight of him. He was glorious. He was hers. She parted her legs willingly.

  “Not so fast.” Thomas broke away from her throat and kissed her deeply. She tasted her blood on his lips and wondered in a distant way if she tasted the same as Anne had.

  It didn’t matter, she decided. With Thomas and Will naked and ready for her, it just didn’t matter.

  “How do you want me?” she asked, her voice raw with passion. After the climax they’d given her with just their fangs, she wasn’t sure she could handle their cocks. But she was damn well ready to try.

  Will and Thomas exchanged looks. “Front or back?” Will asked.

  Thomas laughed, the sound flowing over Ruby like silk. “You know what I like.”

  Will slid his hands over Ruby’s hips and shifted her effortlessly onto her side. It made her feel small and delicate—a novel sensation that was as heady as everything else they’d done to her. He ran his fingers down the crease of her buttocks, around her rosebud rear entrance. “Has a man ever taken you here, Ruby?” he asked.

  She shook her head and he smiled, baring his fangs. “Then I am very privileged.”

  Thomas was rummaging in her bedside drawer, and Ruby felt a brief pang of embarrassment at the items he was pulling out. It felt ridiculous to be embarrassed at this stage, but she couldn’t help it. Her collection of dildos and how-to sex guides just seemed pathetic in the face of these two men. These two vampires. God, they probably had centuries of sexual experience, things the writers of those guides would never dream of. Ruby squeezed her thighs together, feeling the trickle of her juices sliding down her skin at the thought.

  Thomas tossed a bottle of cherry-flavored lube to Will. “Be gentle with her,” he said.

  “Of course.” Will squeezed the lube onto his fingers and began massaging Ruby’s rear, fingers teasing her anus and making her flinch and giggle.

  Thomas lay down beside her, toying with her pert nipples as if they were the most fascinating things he’d ever seen. “You are so beautiful,” he said. “Like her, but unique too. You have no idea how lucky you make us feel, Ruby.”

  She kissed him, unable to resist with his lush lips so close. “I think I’m the lucky one. This is like my wildest dream come true. I keep expecting to wake up.”

  Will kissed her rear, then bit gently, making her buck and gasp. “Then we must convince you this is real,” he said. He gripped her hips once more and she felt his stiff shaft rubbing at her back passage. She tensed, then relaxed when Thomas bent his head to suck at her nipples. Slowly, so slowly, Will eased his way inside her. It was wonderful and painful at the same time, almost too much, never quite enough. She pictured the size of him and couldn’t quite believe he’d fit. She moaned and whimpered as he pushed inside her channel, thinking every second she’d have to ask him to stop, and knowing full well she didn’t want him to.

  When he’d filled her completely, he held still, his breath cool on the back of her neck. “Is this all right?” he asked.

  She froze too, soaking up the decadent sensation of his cock in her ass. She felt full to bursting, as if even breathing would break her. Her clit tingled, juice running freely from her now. “Oh yes,” she said. “Yes, Will, yes.”

  Thomas stroked his fingers over her clit and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. “Then are you ready for me, too?” he asked.

  Heart racing, she could only nod.

  He draped her leg over his and angled himself inside her. Now Ruby really did think she might burst, with both big men stretching her almost to the point of pain. She gripped Thomas’s shoulder with one hand and reached back to clasp Will’s hip with the other. She needed to hang on to them, to anchor herself against the tide of emotion and sensation assaulting her.

  “Ready?” Thomas asked her once more.

  She was. She always had been.

  Chapter Six

  Will moved first. A long, slow glide that lit Ruby up. Then Thomas, moving in time with Will, deliciously slow. Ruby rocked her hips in time with them both, heightening the friction, increasing the tension. She was strung out, ready to blow. Her body still sang from their bites, and it felt like every stroke they made would be the one to push her over the edge completely. The feeling of Will sliding in and out of her ass was an exquisite counterpoint to Thomas pushing in and out of her pussy, and with every second they grew bolder, moving faster, harder. She’d already gone past the point of being able to gasp or moan or cry out. All she could do was cling to them both, every inch of her body on fire.

  Will sank his nails into her ass, making her whimper. “I want to bite you again,” he rasped in her ear.

  “Yes,” she said. She would have said yes to anything then, anything to keep him pounding his cock inside her.

  “Both of us,” Thomas said, nuzzling her neck, licking the bite mark he’d already left. Ruby rolled her head back, senseless with pleasure.


  Will bit down on her throat. Thomas sank his fangs into her breast. She shrieked, bucking her hips faster, forcing the two vampires to speed up their thrusts. Bolts of pleasure and tingling pain shot through her, mixing together so she couldn’t tell one from the other. Will released her to roar her name, his movements wild and rough enough to make her scream. Thomas stayed latched on to her breast, eyes squeezed closed, face rapturous.

  Ruby was losing herself. Her orgasm hit her shockingly hard and she had a d
izzying feeling of leaving her body, flying back to that place of shadows and light. She stared down at herself, crushed between two immortal lovers. Blood flowed down her throat and chest, painting her crimson like some ancient warrior goddess. Her face was a mask of lust, her body writhing as Will and Thomas pushed deeper and harder into her, lost in their own climaxes.

  Ruby watched as her body shimmered and gleamed, and for a second she saw another woman’s face overlaid with her own. Anne, she realized. The notion twisted in her stomach, bringing a sudden, aching doubt to her. Was it her Thomas and Will had wanted so badly? Or the woman she used to be?

  How could she ever really know?

  Ruby fell back into her body, back into the bliss the two men were giving her. Her orgasm was still powerful, still delicious, almost unbearably so. But it was tainted now, and as the last tremors of it faded away, Ruby felt tears slide down her cheeks.


  They left before dawn and wouldn’t tell her where they were headed. “You don’t need to see us die with the sunrise,” Thomas said, kissing her hand like an old-world gentleman. “And we will return as soon as the sun sets, so don’t worry about us.”

  Will kissed her lips, roughly and possessively. “We have so much to talk about,” he said. “So much lost time to catch up on.”

  Ruby smiled weakly, doubt still wracking her. “Until sunset then,” she said as they vanished into the night.

  She retreated to her living room—the bedroom was a mess, her bedsheets soaked in blood and other fluids, and she couldn’t stand the thought of seeing the evidence of her own passion, not when it was so bittersweet. At the same time, she couldn’t stand the thought of sleeping alone in that bed now she’d had Thomas and Will inside her.

  She curled up on the sofa, trying to make sense of her emotions. She’d been overcome with lust, and she had no idea how much of it was her own and how much was Anne’s. The idea unnerved her. Oh, she’d enjoyed the sex. Hell, “enjoyed” was far too tame a word. She’d never even dreamed she could feel like that, so liberated and wanton. But … but … but.

  She groaned, running her hands through her tousled hair. She needed time. This wasn’t as simple as girl meets guys, after all. They were vampires. Immortal creatures that fed on blood, and she had the distinct feeling they wanted her to join them. But they couldn’t expect her to make such a monumental choice after just one night. They’d thrust her into a whole new world—dark, delicious, and completely alien. If she went farther into it with them, what would she become? And could she live with it?

  Could she live with being Anne’s successor?

  She couldn’t make a decision about her future in the aftermath of such savage lovemaking. She wouldn’t be thinking with her head.

  Ruby ran upstairs to grab a suitcase. She’d call in sick to the office tomorrow and spend a few days with a friend. A few days to get her head together and decide if she wanted to explore what Thomas and Will were offering. That was all she needed.


  Will and Thomas returned to Ruby’s house the next night to find it deserted. Rage and panic swept through Will when Ruby failed to answer the door. He turned to Thomas, shoving his lover hard. “I knew it! We should have turned her! We would have been able to find her anywhere with a blood bond in place!”

  Thomas shoved back, scowling. “Don’t,” he said. “I’m not going to fight with you, Will.”

  Will growled, pounding his fist against the front door. The wood splintered under the force of the blow. “We’ve lost her again already! What if something happened to her? What if she was attacked again?”

  “Stop it.” Thomas gripped Will’s wrists hard, forcing the other vampire into silence. “Stop it, Will. Don’t torment yourself like that. She’s probably with a friend or working late or...”

  “Or just gone,” Will said, voice grim. “We pushed her too fast and too hard.”

  Thomas couldn’t help but smile slyly. “I don’t think she minded that.”

  “Be serious. What if she rejects us? We’re monsters, she’s mortal—why would she want us?”

  Thomas released Will and leaned against the wall of Ruby’s house, his smile dying. “This is what the witch warned us about,” he said, face bleak. “We didn’t ever think Ruby might not feel for us as Anne did.”

  Will bit his lip, a well of deep anguish building inside him. He’d begun to believe they could have again what they’d had before: a perfect love, the three of them together forever. As it should always have been. The thought that Ruby didn’t want them was soul-destroying. “I can’t face eternity like this,” he said. “I need her. We both need her.”

  “I know.” Thomas kissed his forehead, eyes gleaming with bloody tears. “I know. But perhaps she needs time, Will. We pushed her into a world she never dreamed existed. We shouldn’t be surprised if it scared her.” He ran his hands over the splintered front door and gave it a push. The paneling fell inward, letting him unlock the door from the inside. “We’ll fix it before we go,” he said in answer to Will’s questioning look.

  Inside, he found pen and paper and sat at Ruby’s kitchen table. It was hard to write. The house smelled both of Ruby—sweet and floral—and of their lovemaking. Blood, sweat, and the distinct musk of their orgasms flooded the house, exciting him almost to the point of no control. He glanced at Will, leaning in the kitchen doorway like a dark angel, and felt his cock harden. Thomas wet his lips, promising himself he’d be sinking his erection into Will’s ass before the night was over. But first...

  He wrote swiftly, hoping his words would mean something to Ruby, that she would understand their need for her. “Let her have time,” he said to Will as he finished. “And let us be patient.”

  Will laughed. “You know you’re asking the impossible.”

  Thomas rose and glided to him, bringing Will’s hand down to cup his throbbing hard-on. “Then let me distract you,” he said.

  Chapter Seven

  Halloween night

  A week away had done Ruby no good. Every night she’d dreamed of them both, woken up flushed and haunted by the memory of their night together. In the day she was a zombie, unable to think of anything but Will and Thomas. Would they be angry with her for running away? Would they wait for her? Did they still want her, knowing she wasn’t the same woman they’d loved four hundred years ago?

  She hadn’t even thought of that at first, but now it tormented her. How could she step into a dead woman’s shoes? Will and Thomas didn’t know her; they knew Anne. Missed Anne. Wanted Anne. She was Ruby, and four hundred years and a brutal death separated her from the women they’d known. What if… What if, in the end, she disappointed them?

  She couldn’t exactly get her friend’s advice, either. All she told Amy was that she’d met someone but thought there were too many differences for it to work. A highly over-simplified, but still basically true version of the story.

  “Well,” Amy had said, practical as ever, “if it doesn’t work, you’re no worse off for trying, surely?”

  Ruby touched her neck, a phantom flush of pleasure filling her at the memory of Will and Thomas’s bites, and knew that wasn’t true, not even remotely.

  In the end, she knew she had no choice but to go home and hope.

  The sun was setting when she arrived home. She felt alarm at the sight of her front door. It looked like someone had punched through the wood then patched it up again. God, had she been robbed? That would be the perfect cap to a miserable week.

  Mind you, at least they’d be considerate robbers, cleaning up after themselves.

  Inside though, nothing had been touched or taken. Wary but relieved, she decided against calling the police. Instead, she went to the kitchen to brew herself a coffee, trying not to think about her last night here. She set her handbag down on the table and saw the envelope. She didn’t recognize the handwriting, but her heart leapt. She knew without knowing that the flowing script was Thomas’s. Anne’s memories filtered through her mind
, reminding her of countless love letters and elegant poems. She smiled sadly and opened the envelope.

  Ruby, our cherished soul,

  We were too fast with you, I think, and I am sorry. We have changed your life and it didn’t occur to me you might not want it changed until after the fact. But I cannot regret it. If we never see you again, I will never regret our night together. You were a joy to us, a ray of light after centuries of darkness. You stirred our souls and fired our blood. We would gladly take you into eternity with us if you want it, but we will never force you. You must be your own woman and make your own choices, not feel chained to us by ties of fate and time. We would have you come to us as an equal, as our lover, not as one forced by destiny.

  If you would be with us as we would be with you, come to St. Margaret’s graveyard at midnight on Halloween. That is where we first called out to you, many years ago, and begged you to return to us. It seems fitting that is where we should be reunited—if that is what you want.

  Your hearts, your slaves,

  Thomas and Will.

  Ruby read the letter twice before folding it into her handbag and checking the clock on the wall. It was just after six PM. She had hours before midnight, hours to weigh it up and make her choice. Eternity with two gorgeous immortal men or her normal, mortal life. Eternity in the darkness, living on blood. She chewed her fingernails, nervous and confused. Was she ready to give up her humanity for Thomas and Will?

  She didn’t know. But she did know she wasn’t ready to give either of them up. She called a taxi, asking the driver to take her to St. Margaret’s. Whatever choice she made, she had to see them again.


  Cambridge was full of trick-or-treaters and party-goers, and Ruby felt incredibly under-dressed in her worn jeans and ancient University of Cambridge hoodie. Still, she mused as she prowled around the graveyard, since Thomas and Will had already seen her naked, showing up in a Bride of Dracula outfit was probably unnecessary. She smiled at herself and checked her watch for about the hundredth time. It was just after ten. Still two hours. Still no decision.